Happy 8th anniversary, Timeless! And a happy Timeless Day & Timeless Month to you all! ♥ Below you can watch the brand new Timeless fanvideo that I made to celebrate today. It's to The Void's rendition of Zombie. I also made a 1080p desktop wallpaper to celebrate this year's 8th anniversary of the show. There is a new POTM of our favourite characters, and the Featured Video this month is from a rough cut of the Pilot episode: Garcia Flynn and Lucy Preston's first meeting next to the burning Hindenburg.
01 September 2024
Sorry it's been a (long) while, my life went chaotic, and has remained as such for several months now. I'm trying to settle into a consistent update "schedule" to get all my Timeless content archived on this site. Since today marks the beginning of a new month, I've added a new BTS POTM of Chad Rook (Karl) in the season 1 episode The Lost Generation. And if you've been visiting this site you've probably noticed that I've added a Featured Video. This will likely be another monthly addition, like the POTM, just a VOTM ♥ This month's VOTM is from the season 1 episode Party At Castle Varlar.
Icons of Pop Culture has five items from Timeless for purchase (not bidding), check it out <--- you can click on the image below to be taken to the page with the Timeless search results.
08 March 2024
A new POTM of Garcia and Lucy from The King of the Delta Blues. And I'm in a very Garcy mood today, so I went ahead and did HD screen captures of one of my favourite Garcy episodes - surprise, surprise - The King of the Delta Blues <--- of course, I do love it for just about everything else - especially the scenes with our favourite fanboys: Connor and Rufus.
All day today, and all day tomorrow, on Tumblr, I'll be sharing video clips of my favourite Garcia Flynn scenes for all his episodes in the OG26 Timeless series, as well as my favourite scenes from Parts 1 & 2 of the Shitmas lyat fanfic finale "movie" <---I'm including those episodes simply because Goran did so well with the shit that laurika threw at him and his character.
Anyway, this is the sixth Love Garcia Flynn Day celebrated, and I hope you all can watch your favourite Garcia Flynn episodes. And if you'd like to participate online in celebrating the day, do post your favourite photos, GIFs, video clips, fanfic, fanvids, fanart, etc. to your followers on whatever social media platform(s) you frequent. Just celebrate the heck out of our favourite male character on Timeless. Ramble on to your followers about why and how much you love Garcia Flynn.
Me? Well... I always gravitate towards the "villain" character in a story, so I knew from the Pilot that I was going to love Garcia Flynn. But by the time he had his dream about his daughter, and wife... and he was checking for monsters in his little girl's closet (with a water gun), I was in love. That scene proved what most fans thought all along: Garcia Flynn was not a bad guy, he was a sweet and loving father and husband.
Garcia dethroned my previous favourite character of all time (24's Tony Almeida <--- but FWIW, him and Garcia share a lot of commonalities <--- yes, I have a character type)... where was I? Garcia dethroned my previous favourite character of all time in the final scene of 205 The Kennedy Curse - the Beer & A Movie scene - for very personal reasons.
If you are looking for images or GIFs, or even character information for Garcia Flynn, this is the place to be. The Team GarcyPhoto Gallery will help you put together content for your social media posts to celebrate your love for Garcia Flynn. Additionally, you can find Garcia Flynn images on my Goran Višnjić Archive fansite as well, although I'm pretty sure that Team Garcy currently has more to choose from.
01 November 2023
A new POTM (a behind the scenes photo of Abigail and Matt from 104 Party At Castle Varlar) is up, and I added HD screen captures for 103 Atomic City to the gallery.
And a note regarding those two finale "movie" episodes... I have decided that The Timeless Fansite will not include content related to the two episodes that aired on 20 December 2018 - the series finale "movie," if you will - The Miracle of Christmas Parts 1 & 2. I am a fan of the Timeless series, and those two episodes did not, IMO, resemble - or respect - the series and characters that I love. I created The Timeless Fansite to celebrate the series that I love, and I do not (by any stretch of the imagination) like those Christmas episodes, and I have no desire to acknowledge their existence. That being said... at the moment I still have full episode screen captures from those episodes up on my Team Garcy fansite. I will be removing them sometime next year. For those of you who are Garcy fans, the Team Garcy site will continue to archive only the Garcia Flynn, Lucy Preston, and Garcy screen captures. As well as the transcripts of those "movie" episodes, episodic stills and promotional images, and Garcia/Lucy/Garcy GIFs. Thank you for your understanding.
In this update, I also moved the photoshoot images that were taken during the filming of that "movie" to the season 2 promotional images page, and they (at least not to my recolletion) reflect the content of those "movie" episodes, and feel like season 2 promotional images.
Seven years ago tonight, Timeless premiered on NBC. I recall very clearly watching the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics, and seeing trailers for Timeless. I have a rule: that I do not watch a new TV series unless it has three seasons and has either properly finished its story, or has been renewed for a fourth season. I made an exception for Timeless for a few reasons. 1) time travel - I've always been fascinated with stories about traveling through time. 2) history - one of my favourite subjects in school was history. And 3) it just looked like a really promising, fun show that I would enjoy watching from week-to-week. The moment I discovered the series premiere date, I marked it on my calendar (complete with a countdown to Monday, 3 October 2016). I set my DVR the moment Timeless was available to set up for recording, and seven years ago tonight, I watched live, and I fell in love from the very beginning.
I was still on Twitter back in 2016, and Timeless was the very first TV show that I "live tweeted." And to be honest, I don't think I "live tweeted" anything else. I remember taking part in tweeting to renew Timeless when the season 1 finale aired on NBC. Timeless was the first TV series since Firefly (FOX, 2002) that I watched that I truly believed could really become something special, and I thought that was worth fighting for. Of course, we all know the story... NBC canceled Timeless. I was upset, but most TV shows I end up loving get canceled anyway, so I just let out a heavy sigh, shrugged my shoulders, gave thought to "what if," and moped around. Three days, later, NBC uncanceled Timeless, and though we didn't know when we'd be seeing season 2, I was so freaking happy.
When season 2 aired, I tried so hard to bring new viewers to the series, and I succeeded. I got at least 50 new viewers to watch Timeless before the season 2 finale aired. I live tweeted every single episode of season 2 to try to get the show (which was sorely underpromoted, and placed in a terrible time slot) renewed. Later, NBC canceled Timeless permanently, and up until 20 December 2018, I tried as hard as I could (despite a divided and hostile online fandom) to tweet and contact outlets who could have saved Timeless. I helped put together online fandom events such as Flynn Friday, Goran Thursday, Garcy Weekends, Garcy October, and Garcy Holidays. I even threw together the Team Garcy fansite to try to give something back to fans while we were suffering from #RenewTimeless and #SaveTimeless stress.
I don't have anything nice to say about the finale "movie" episodes that aired on 20 December 2018. I will say this though... while I will never rewatch those episodes again, I can still appreciate the visual aesthetic of the scenes featuring Garcia and Lucy together.
Also, a note to writers... having a beloved main character (in this case, Garcia Flynn) choose suicide in episodes that were tauted as a "love lettre to the fans" was the most vile, mean-spirited, and hurtful thing that was allowed in those two "movie" episodes. Especially, when said writers couldn't have possibly been unaware of the severe online bullying that was happening to fans of Garcia Flynn (Garcy, and Goran Višnjić). And the manner in which said writers shrugged off, ignored, and dismissed fans who expressed their very raw emotions in the minutes, hours, and days after those "movie" episodes aired was just disgusting. I'm sure I'm not the only fan of Timeless who feels this way, but the approach those writers took when writing those "movie" episodes is unforgiveable. They flushed 26 episodes worth of canon down the toilet. Twenty-six episodes that were loved by so many fans. Twenty-six episodes of character development, and actual story which were completely ignored for two "movie" episodes that felt like some knock-off wannabe immitation of the OG26 Timeless. Fans expected the high standard of writing that had been set in those original 26 episodes, were left with a bitter taste in their mouths once the "movie" episodes ended. Fans, some of whom, still struggle to enjoy rewatching the OG26 because of how awful those "movie" episodes were.
Everything that I love about Timeless was sorely absent from those "movie" episodes. I'm sure there are some fans out there that enjoyed what those "movie" episodes had to offer, and I'm happy that they can find something to enjoy in something I loathe so wholeheartedly. To each their own.
Apparently, I had more to say about this than I intended. And I say these things, and I criticise those "movie" episodes because I love Timeless, and believe it deserved better than what those writers tried to serve us as a finale. My Timeless series finale is Chinatown. Yes, even with its cliffhanger.
Fortunately, I've been able to forget most of what happened in those "movie" episodes, and it rarely affects the way that I rewatch the series since. The fandom has died down in the last few years, and that's to be expected. But when I love something, I don't like to let it go. Timeless has been in my life for seven years now. I still maintain the Team Garcy fansite, and I added this Timeless Fansite to my fansite collection. I continue to explore time travel, changing timelines, and history in writing Timeless/Garcy fanfic. I also continue to create fanart whenever I feel inspired. Updating my fansites is slow, but I have every intention of bringing them to completion <--- and to keep them online for many years.
I've watched the OG26 Timeless series well over 100 times at this point. I still manage to fit in an OG26 rewatch at least once a month. Timeless isn't perfect. It can be nitpicked, and there are few aspects of the series that I don't enjoy, but I can roll my eyes at those things and/or fast-forward through them, so it's all good. But overall, the OG26 Timeless still makes me happy, and I still love it very much. It is my favourite TV series, and it has brought me my favourite character of all time (Garcia Flynn), and my favourite ship of all time (Garcia Flynn/Lucy Preston - Garcy) ♥
In closing, I'd like to thank Eric Kripke and Shawn Ryan for creating Timeless, and for bringing its diverse array of characters to the small screen. Timeless came into my life at a time when I really needed something to look forward to every week. Something to enjoy in life. And to this day, I can still watch my favourite episodes* to make me feel better on days that I struggle. Timeless means so much to me for more than "just entertainment" reasons, and I will always be grateful that NBC gave it a greenlight, and then uncanceled it so we could see Garcia Flynn's redemption, and his deepening relationship with Lucy in its final season.
I hope you all take a moment today to remember what you love most about Timeless, and that you can fit watching your favourite episode (or episodes) into you schedule.
Happy Timeless Day!
BattleshipGarcy (opinions expressed above are my own)
03 October 2023
* My favourite episodes:
The Capture of Benedict Arnold
The World's Columbian Exposition
The Salem Witch Hunt
The King of the Delta Blues
01 July 2023
I hope you have enjoyed the content that went up in this site's initial launch. Today's update includes screen captures from 102 The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. As well as some editorial photos from Timeless at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con. And it's a new month, which means there's a new POTM. I've been missing Garcia Flynn quite a lot lately, so I made July 2023's POTM my favourite Garcia photo ♥ It's an episodic still from 207 Mrs. Sherlock Holmes.
Welcome to The Timeless Fansite! Five years ago, I made the Team Garcy fansite, and had in the back of my mind that one day I'd like to make a general fansite for the Timeless series. I held off on doing this for a while, and I figured with five years since the show ended that I still love Timeless, and consider it my favourite TV show, that 2023 would be as good a time as any. My hope for this fansite is to provide fans - old and new - with digital content - history, if you will - of the series. Despite my favourite character and pairing preferences, I want this site to include content for all characters, and relationships enjoyed in the fandom. It's an ambitious goal, but I am aiming to make this site an archive - an online museum - for the Timeless series, and its fandom.
This site is far from complete. I still have so many images to add to the Gallery, and I'm hoping that someone out there can help out with character biographies, relationship summaries, and other information about the series. I saved A LOT of images from the social media accounts associated with Timeless, but I know that I didn't save everything, so if you have any images saved that you think would fit well in this site's gallery, please send them my way: TimelessFansite@gmail.com - thank you!
If you would like to receive updates for The Timeless Fansite, please like and/or follow The Timeless Fansite Facebook Page, or you can follow me, BattleshipGarcy, on Tumblr.
So, what have I added to this site for its debut?
* As a Timeless fanfic author, I'm very attentive to the timestamps given in the episodes of Timeless, so I have typed up my episodic timestamp notes, and added them to the Timeless section of the site.
* Episode transcripts, and the Pilot original shooting script can also be found in the Timeless section of this site. Only a couple transcripts have been cleaned up, the others are in the format that I found them in, and if you have the time to help make them more readable, I would appreciate the help. And if you have any PDF files of any original shooting scripts from Timeless, I would love to archive them here for the fandom (and educational purposes <--- I actually learned a lot about screenwriting by reading shooting scripts from several other TV series over the years, they're so interesting).
* The Episodes section includes episode titles in different languages, provides general information, and summaries (from the summaries provided on the USA release of the DVDs). I have also archived the fan-made season 3 and season 4 for those of you who need to have a proper ending to the series (that doesn't come in a rushed - makes no canonical sense, IMO - "movie." I've read the fan-made seasons (and even created the episode graphics for the author), and can say with confidence that each fan-made episode feels like a televised episode of the series. It gives respect and attention to all characters, and relationships.
* Character biographies have been added to the Characters section for: Dave Baumgardner, Stiv Casey, Kate Drummond, Garcia Flynn, Iris Flynn, Lorena Flynn, Nicholas Keynes, Jessica Logan, Noah, Amy Preston, Lucy Preston, and Maria Thompkins-Flynn.
* Relationship summaries have been added to the Ships section for: Carjamin, Denelle, Garcy, Keynmore, Lorynn, Luah, Lyatt, Riya, and Wyjess.
* HD Blu-ray screen captures for 101 Pilot have been added.
* I added three 1080p Garcy Titanic desktop wallpapers in the Garcy/Titanic section.
* Also included in the Clockblocker Goodies section are Timeless Canon Ships BINGO! Cards, and Timeless Rare Pairs BINGO! Cards. I made these for the creative Clockblockers in the fandom to help inspire more fanworks. When the series was cancelled in May 2018, I made a Tweet (back in the days that I was still on Twitter) about how now Timeless, its characters, its ship, and its story now belong to the fans. The show can never die as long as its fans take good care of her. Creating new content: fanart, fanfic, fanvids, drawings, etc., IMO, is the best way that we can keep this show alive <--- and hopefully draw in new viewers who missed the show the first time around.
Use the cards below to try to achieve a BINGO! this month (or any month) - fanfic, fanart, fanvids, drawings, GIFs, poster designs, bookmarks, calendars, wallpapers, mood boards, etc. Fit five into one work, or create five different works to get your BINGO! <--- if you pick the latter, please include one of the pairings (canon, or rare).
If you create anything from these BINGO! cards, I would love to archive your work here on The Timeless Fansite, so please send it my way (TimelessFansite@gmail.com), and/or let me know where to find it online.
I would like to let you know that though I'm a Garcy fan, I intend to make this fansite "ship neutral." The Timeless fandom is a diverse group of people who love all the different aspects of the show: the ships, the characters, the history, the Rittenhouse conspiracy, the Lifeboat, the Mothership, and of course... time travel. Because I also maintain the Team Garcy fansite, I will bring to your attention events that are being hosted by that site, so if you run another Timeless, or another Timeless relationship fansite, and would like your site's events to be highlighted here as well, please reach out to me, and let me know.
If you would like to donate content for archival on The Timeless Fansite, please contact me (send it my way) at: TimelessFansite@gmail.com. Thank you for your help. You can find a list of content that I'm looking for, and what kinds of content you can donate to help make this site the Timeless digital museum for the fans, in the Donate section.
Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy the site ♥
Help Keep TheTimeless Fansite Online
If you would like to help contribute to the monthly fees for The Timeless Fansite unlimited server space, you can do so through Public Pay which is provided by my host service. All funds donated go straight to GTXGaming for each month's charge to my account with them. I cannot withdraw/transfer any of the donated funds to any external account, it all stays with GTXGaming. As per GTXGaming:
Payments made through the Public Pay system are NON-REFUNDABLE By submitting payment to this client, you agree to our Terms of Service and that the client has shared his / her Public Pay ID to accept payments.
GTXGaming sets the minimum donation amount, but more can be donated if you wish. At present, the only payment method accepted is PayPal - although you can pay with a credit card with PayPal Guest Checkout if you don't have your own PayPal account.
I want to be clear that no one visiting the The Timeless Fansite is under any obligation, or expectation, to donate money to help keep the site online.
Please also note that the Goran Višnjić Archive, Team Garcy, and BattleshipGarcy fansites share the unlimited server space with The Timeless Fansite. This does not affect the cost of the unlimited server space.
The unlimited server space is the reason why I am able to upload HD images, and thousands of screen captures to this site to share with you. If I lose funds for the server space, I will have to downgrade my server, and delete images. Obviously, I don't want to do that, and that is why I appreciate so much any help that you can give to the site.
The Timeless Fansite is a fansite for the short-lived NBC time travel series Timeless (2016-2018). This site serves as a one-stop hub for the Timeless Clockblocker fandom and includes, but is not limited to, articles, HD screen captures, episodic stills, promotional images, episode transcripts, and character biographies.